Find out what people think about Nessy.

What Parents say about Nessy...
Pamela, Parent
"I can't say enough about Nessy! We have purchased the complete package and are in the process of using all of it. Our son is Dyslexic and has Dysgraphia so for us this is perfect. One of the main reasons we started using this is because the Dyslexic Centre we go to uses this for handout sheets to work on, which is great for on the road travels. Besides that, he LOVES the Reading and Spelling section on the computer because he earns gems and can see his own progress. Recently my son has been using numbers for his multiplication factors.
He is in love with it! I actually have to pull him away from it because he would sit there for hours if I let him. Oh, and they print out certificates as they master a section. He was so excited about it he earned 4 certificates that you print out in one day. I can't wait to start using the keyboarding portion soon to see how he does with guidance other than by parents . If anyone is at all on the fence about purchasing Nessy, I wouldn't hesitate to purchase it if your child is Dyslexic or not."
Glynis Croke, Parent
"Nessy. I found your page a couple of years ago, I live in Ireland. Every year since senior infants (5-6 year olds) I have been ask my daughter teachers does she have learning difficulties or dyslexia and was all ways told no that she just needed a little more work. Last September when she went into 5th class (11-12 year olds) her teacher picked up on a problem almost straight away.
So after 6+ years I finally found someone who listened. Yesterday she was tested at Dyslexia Ireland and it turns out she is way below average on both English and maths. Your page has helped me so much in learning how to help her over the years. And I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your wonderful information.”
Crystal Lovato, Home Education
"My daughter is now reading at a 5th grade level. This fact is due to your program. I can't express strongly enough how much we appreciate your program and what it has done for my daughter. When starting your program, my daughter read at a beginning 2nd grade level, 2 years behind her actual grade level. We pulled her out of public school, began homeschooling and used your program daily with few exceptions.
In less than a year, my daughter is now reading at a 5th grade level, her current grade level. Your program and her determination is what lead to such growth. She was able to learn from your program what the OG Tutors at her public school had failed to teach in 3 years. I have a very happy and proud little girl."
Gail Camenzind, Home Education
"It was the single most valuable product I could have come across to aid in his reading success. It is an all inclusive program that allowed Mikey to work independently after lessons to build self esteem. Hands down, it was the most imperative product he could have been introduced to.
It was more extensive and inclusive than any other product I purchased and responsible for 100% of our reading success.
It is solely responsible for our STAR score increases and my children reading independently. This program is impossible to fail. You basically have to NOT do it."
What Teachers say about Nessy...
Debbie Munn, Teacher
"The children enjoyed Nessy! They are still chanting Nessy as they go down the hall. I can't wait until Sept. when I can do projects with the entire First Grade!
I'm even thinking about teaching them about Europe and the Loch Ness theories.
Thank you again for all of your help. I am not very good with computers and you made it easy!"
Amanda Wright, Teacher
"Nessy is a wonderful, fun resource for dyslexia or anyone who finds reading and spelling tricky.
It has strategies to support short term memory and shows you how to read and spell words using a phonetic programme starting with island 1 and you work through until island 10. There are worksheets, assessments and target setting. I absolutely rate this programme."
Shanara Hawkins, Teacher
"Thank you so much for allowing us to use the program on a trial run to test out. The results have been no less than amazing and the students absolutely loved what you have created!
Thank you tremendously as we could not have experienced these reading gains in such a short amount of time without your program!"
Joan Case, Teacher
"I have just been assessing a quiet little girl with severe dyslexia, she was wearing pink tinted glasses (prescribed from hospital), anxious and wary.
After the session using the Nessy Learning Programme, she was smiling and giggling and asking what was next!
So much so that the SENCo asked the Head Teacher could I order a copy for her asap as they are desperate to help her."