What is Dyslexia?
Here are 5 facts everyone should know about dyslexia.
Dyslexia is a very common learning difficulty that can cause problems with reading, writing and spelling. Because some dyslexics have difficulty with memory it can also affect maths and organisation.
5 Facts About Dyslexia
1. 10-20% of people have dyslexia (1).
As many as 1 in 5 people have dyslexia and it affects just as many boys as girls (2). In fact, for most people who struggle to read and write, the cause will be dyslexia.

2. Dyslexics can be taught to read.
Some dyslexics already know how to read but they struggle with spelling and writing.
3. Intelligence is not affected.
Dyslexia does not mean a child is unintelligent but it doesn't mean they are a genius either. Like all people, some are average and a few are very smart. Most dyslexics have an average IQ.
“It has nothing to do with how intelligent you are. You can be extremely bright and still have dyslexia.”
Tim Tebow
4. Early identification followed up with the right teaching approach, gives people the best chance of overcoming their difficulties.
Dyslexics are more likely to succeed at school, in jobs and life, if they have had the right kind of teaching and support when they are younger.
5. Dyslexia is genetic
Dyslexia is passed on through families. Where a birth parent has dyslexia then there is a 50% chance that their child has dyslexia. Where both parents have dyslexia it is almost certain that children will also have dyslexia (3).